
As a member of this Online Book Club, you are expected to post to the book blog at least once per week between now and July 11 -- that's six weeks. You should finish your book before then, and you will meet during the Institute in your groups to extend the discussion and plan how to present the book to the others in the Institute.

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Friday, July 8, 2016

The Conclusion Paragraph (Chapter 6)

Chapter six does what all good conclusions should do:  it brings us back to the thesis, recalls the main ideas, and leaves the reader thinking.

In that spirit, here are some quotes that left me thinking:

"The CCSS are not a curriculum.  They provide a flexible kind of road map for teaching writing and identify ultimate destinations, but they do not require a particular route to get there," (132).
-This is a great quote to use with the next non-teacher who engages me in a conversation about the "evil Common Core."

"School should never be just a preparation for the next grade level or for some unknown job... School is about the present moment," (133).
-One thing I try to remember is that the the teen world is just as complex as the adult world.  Meet them where they are, and stop minimizing their stress, relationships, and place in this world, just because they are not "adults" yet.

"School has to be more than getting ready, getting by, or getting through," (134). 
-I think that the above quote from 133 leads to this style of thinking when it comes to school for our students.

Alright everyone!  I am excited to meet all of you on Monday!


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